School of Life Sciences
- Cell and Molecular Biology
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Integrative Physiology
- Microbiology
- Quantitative Biology and Bioinformatics
The Master of Science degree in Biological Sciences within the School of Life Sciences consists of four sectional research concentrations that reflect the scope of modern biology: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Integrative Physiology, Cell and Molecular Biology, and Microbiology. The degree is research centered and requires the defense of a thesis that describes a novel research project that can serve as the basis for the publication of at least one paper in a peer-reviewed journal. The M.S. degree in Biological Sciences prepares students for careers in education, government, and industry as well as preparing them for more advanced degrees in the life sciences. Students must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours from a list of core and approved courses within their section.
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Earn a respected Master’s in Ecosystem Management. Learn to lead the real-world, practical implementation of ecosystem management projects. Complete your degree online, on your time.
Develop your skills in ecological research, quantitative analysis, GIS, and leadership to become an effective advocate for environmental conservation, education and justice. Apply for partial scholarships!
Study ecosystem management online at Penn State. Gain in-demand skills in quantitative and spatial data analysis, project management, and leadership. Apply now for 2025!