Department of Biological Sciences
The Department of Biological Sciences curriculum includes animal behavior, biophysics, botany, cell biology, conservation biology, freshwater and terrestrial ecology, genetics, marine sciences, microbiology, and restoration ecology. The department supports pre-professional and health-science career objectives, and prepares students for graduate studies in biology.
Our faculty value student mentoring, which has been shown by national surveys to greatly increase the academic success and career satisfaction of students. Biology faculty at USFSP engage promising students in research activities, and students have opportunities for directed research, independent study, and internships. We support study abroad and other intensive study programs.
MS Conservation Biology is a thesis-based degree that provides graduate training in conservation, biodiversity, organismal biology, taxonomy and ecology. Graduates of this program find careers in research and management of natural resources ranging from aquaria to zoos and agencies to botanical gardens.
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Earn a respected Master’s in Ecosystem Management. Learn to lead the real-world, practical implementation of ecosystem management projects. Complete your degree online, on your time.
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