Forestry PhD Programs

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36 results

Forest and Natural Resource Sciences - PhD

University of Kentucky

Lexington, KY

Forest and Natural Resource Sciences encompasses a wide variety of social and natural science disciplines while addressing issues that range from molecular to landscape and societal levels. This broad scope...

Natural Resources - PhD

University of Tennessee

Knoxville, TN


The Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries is located at the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture. We house two exciting areas of study: the forestry major, and the wildlife and fisheries major.The...

Forest Sciences - PhD

Colorado State University

Fort Collins, CO

The Forest Sciences program provides high quality education in forestry and related disciplines; develops knowledge through scholarly endeavors; and disseminates information to the profession, the public, and the community through...

Forestry and Environmental Resources - PhD

North Carolina State University

Raleigh, NC

Our Forestry and Environmental Resources doctoral program encourages candidates to explore a variety of advanced challenges faced in a variety of fields today, including highly-focused scientific inquiry into basic cellular...

Integrative Conservation - PhD

University of Georgia

Athens, GA


At the beginning of the 21st century, as global environmental change proceeds at an unprecedented pace, the practice of conservation is adapting to a complex set of new challenges. The...

Natural Resources Science and Management - PhD

University of Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN


Society's increasing use of natural resources for a multitude of environmental, economic, and social purposes challenges us to acquire the knowledge necessary to use, manage, and protect those resources for...

Forest Ecosystems and Society - PhD

Oregon State University

Corvallis, OR

The Forest Ecosystems and Society graduate program develops interdisciplinary thinkers, highly capable scientists, and natural resource leaders who are prepared to solve complex problems wherever they exist on the socioecological...

Forest & Conservation Sciences - PhD

University of Montana

Missoula, MT

Our doctoral program offers you the opportunity to conduct rigorous, meaningful research on a broad range of forest and conservation sciences topics. You'll complete a dissertation based on original and...

Forest Resources - PhD

Clemson University

Clemson, SC

A Forest Resource degree from Clemson is designed to provide students with advanced training for scientific-based management of forest resources, products, and services. Graduates from the program are working in...

Forest Resources - PhD

Penn State University

State College, PA

A Forest Resources M.S. or Ph.D. degree typically addresses one or more of the following areas in forestry: forest resource management, forest biology, environmental concerns, and wood products. The objectives...

Forest Resources - PhD

University of Maine

Orono, ME


The Ph.D. in Forest Resources is the highest academic degree offered requiring students with excellent academic records and experience.  Students are expected to design and complete a dissertation on original...

Wood Science - PhD

Oregon State University

Corvallis, OR

Graduate programs in the Department of Wood Science and Engineering are dynamic, diverse and collaborative. Students are fully engaged in the rapidly-evolving, international field of wood products from the very...

Urban Forestry - PhD

Southern University and A&M College

Baton Rouge, LA

The Department of Urban Forestry and Natural Resources at SU offers a Bachelor of Science, M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Urban Forestry. The curricula are designed to prepare graduates who...

Natural Resources - PhD

University of Missouri

Columbia, MO


The School of Natural Resources (SNR) at the University of Missouri is one of the leading educational institutions in the nation emphasizing an integrated approach to natural resource management. The...

Natural Resources - PhD

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY


Welcome to the Graduate Field of Natural Resources at Cornell University.  The Graduate Field of Natural Resources is core to the mission of the Department and we foster a strong sense of...