PhD Programs in Pennsylvania
13 results
Plant Biology - PhD
Penn State University
State College, PA
The Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Plant Biology provides educational and research experience in molecular, cell, and evolutionary biology; biochemistry; biophysics; genetics and functional genomics; physiology; and root biology to...
Wildlife and Fisheries Science - PhD
Penn State University
State College, PA
The Wildlife and Fisheries Science graduate program at Penn State includes both an M.S. and Ph.D. Possible topics areas include: habitat evaluation, ecology and management of game and nongame wildlife,...
Ecology - PhD
Penn State University
State College, PA
Penn State’s Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Ecology trains scientists to explore the natural world and the multitudes of interactions within it. Specifically, we teach students to observe, experiment with, and...
Environmental Science - PhD
Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA
The PhD in Biological Sciences is the terminal degree for students who wish to eventually pursue a leadership role in academic, governmental or industrial settings. To take on these roles,...
Forest Resources - PhD
Penn State University
State College, PA
A Forest Resources M.S. or Ph.D. degree typically addresses one or more of the following areas in forestry: forest resource management, forest biology, environmental concerns, and wood products. The objectives...
Earth and Environmental Sciences - PhD
Lehigh University
Bethlehem, PA
The EES Department offers a graduate program linked to nationally prominent research in key areas of Earth & Environmental Science. Our internationally recognized faculty work closely with students on their...
Ecology and Evolution - PhD
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
The Department of Biological Sciences offers an interactive environment for training graduate students in Ecology and Evolution. In addition to our dynamic group of faculty, our graduate program offers a...
Entomology - PhD
Penn State University
State College, PA
The Penn State graduate program in Entomology offers both a Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degree. These research degrees encourage students to conceive and implement novel research within...
Biology - PhD
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA
Gain the experience to make significant contributions to biological research with the Biology PhD program in the College of Science and Technology. The Biology PhD degree provides a rigorous, research-focused...
Biological Sciences - PhD
Duquesne University
Pittsburgh, PA
The Graduate Program in Biological Sciences at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh provides course work and laboratory or field research that leads to a Ph.D. Students are supported throughout their time at...
Biology - PhD
Penn State University
State College, PA
Penn State’s Department of Biology is one of the top-ranked biology departments in the United States. Students in the graduate program can pursue both M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in many...
Biological Sciences - PhD
Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA
The PhD in Biological Sciences is the terminal degree for students who wish to eventually pursue a leadership role in academic, governmental or industrial settings. To take on these roles,...
Biology - PhD
Lehigh University
Bethlehem, PA
Research concentrations available in the Biology PhD program include biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, neuroscience, and evolution and behavior. Research opportunities within and across these concentrations are available. Students admitted...
The University of Connecticut offers master’s & certificate programs in the quickly growing fields of sustainability, energy and the environment. Classes are led by UConn Natural Resources, Geography & Law School faculty.
Earn a respected Graduate Certificate in GIS part-time and online in about 12 months. Master real-world applications of GIS and spatial analysis to investigate current environmental issues.
Join our students and alumni working to design, create, and implement strategies and solutions to create an equitable, sustainable, and climate-resilient future.